Free Update 0.0.3 on Itchio!

Version 0.0.3 is now available for free on! But if you can’t wait and enjoy this project, you can support us on Patreon! We're currently at version 0.0.5, and every week there will be a new version with more content, plus you'll be two weeks ahead of the current free version.

If you encounter any bugs, please check the changelog for the most recent versions posted here in the Devlogs. It may have already been fixed in upcoming versions. If you don't find it, please let me know with a comment! All right, now let's dive into the changelog for version 0.0.3:

  • Rose, the owner of the Monster Shop, has joined, marking the introduction of new NPCs that will gradually be integrated, thanks to the completed dialogue system. Interface improvements for NPCs will arrive in future updates.
  • Rose has been added to the Monster Orderboard, and every three days she’ll give you an extra mission! She’ll also pay you extra.
  • The shop will now sell you 6 monsters, but they will be randomized. If you already have a save file, these new monsters will appear in the normal three-day cycle.
  • Two new animations have been added, which didn’t make it into the last update: Player – Howler (female) and Player – Dragon (female). More animations are coming in the next update!
  • NPC sprite animations have been slightly adapted and will continue to improve with each update.
  • Visual improvements in the Monster Breed interface.
  • Enhanced scenery!
  • UX improvements, providing more information to interactive elements.
  • Refactored some internal code for better use in upcoming updates. As the project grows, more optimized and improved functions were needed.
  • Fixed a bug in the Monster Orderboard where if you selected a monster and then canceled, the monster would still be selected internally.
  • Fixed a bug in the Monster Orderboard where selecting a request and then just clicking "ok" would trigger an error.
  • Fixed a bug where, despite three days passing, the Monster Shop and Monster Orderboard lists would not reset.

See you guys!

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21 days ago

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