Update 0.0.5 on Patreon!

New update 0.0.5 available for download on Patreon! Update 0.0.5 will be available for free on Itch.io on September 9th.

--- Patreon ---

If you like the project, please consider supporting us on Patreon! You'll receive updates two weeks earlier, at least one update per week. 

Here’s the new changelog:

  • Added 3 interactive animations for Demme, Nirie, and Howler female in the barn.
  • Added an intro that presents the game, its mechanics, and its main characters. If you have an old save, it will also show up, but just once.
  • Now Demme, in the name of the Queen, will ask you to pay off your farm’s debt every 30 days. 
  • There's an interface that shows the countdown to the debt payment day of the month and the amount due. It increases depending on how many days you've been playing.
  • A new map has been added; the village is located at the top right of the map where your barns are. It will change, adding NPCs and improving with each update.
  • The NPCs Demme and Nirie have been added; they will be in the center of the village available for conversation.
  • If you help them with their requests on the Monster Orderboard, they'll give you interactive rewards when you talk to them again.
  • Now you need to talk to the main NPCs, and from then on, they will ask you for requests on the Monster Orderboard (Their cycle is every 3 days, so if you talk to them and wait a few days, between 1-3 days, from that moment on, they will give you requests every 3 days). As soon as you start playing, talk to all of them! 
  • Now the base list of the Monster Orderboard will no longer refresh every 3 days, removing previous requests. From now on, every day Mary will give you two missions in addition to any you already have, and they won't be replaced. 
  • The experience calculation has been changed; it used to be fixed and didn’t matter which monster you combined. From now on, it will consider the levels of both monsters for the calculation. 
  • The probability of a new monster appearing in Monster Breed has been decreased, and the level of new monsters in Monster Breed has also been reduced; now that it’s possible to have high-level monsters that give more experience, these parameters needed to be adjusted. 
  • The Monster Breed interface has been slightly adjusted.
  •  Information on how many monsters of each type you have has been added in your barns.
  • Fixed the bug in Monster Shop where if you select a monster, it stays selected even when you leave the shop, and it remains selected even if you skip ahead some days.
  • Fixed the portrait bug in Monster Orderboard that didn't clear the NPC's figure after completing their request.
  • Fixed the bug in Monster Orderboard where it didn't matter if it was a female or a male, you could still submit it for the request (Man, how did I miss this xD).

Update 0.0.6 is already in the works, with more animations, interactions, and more.

Finally, version 0.0.3 will be available for free tomorrow. See you then!

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